
Company:   Rightcharge
Service:   Investor-readiness
Industry:   Sustainability; Electric Vehicles
Stage:   Seed

Charlie, the Founder of Rightcharge, originally contacted us for strategic advice related to a funding round. He was a first-time founder who had no prior fundraising experience although had learned how to do financial modelling. Charlie asked if we could provide our insight and guidance so that when he spoke to investors he was prepared and had guidance during investor negotiations.


We discussed Rightcharge’s business model and plan in detail with Charlie. After reviewing the investment deck and financial model, we helped Charlie decide on valuation, dilution and the overall amount to raise


  1. Identified gaps between what we discussed about the business model and what was in the financial model

  2. Suggested ways the business model could evolve to generate further revenue opportunities

  3. Fixed spreadsheet errors in the financial model, e.g., the cashflow forecast that didn’t work

  4. Identified areas around market size, traction and further growth opportunities which had not been fully detailed in the investment deck and in turn not covered in the financial model

  5. Flagged various data sources had not been referenced

  6. Pointed out government policies and forms of support that will help grow the market over the next decade

  7. Changed the running order of the investment deck slides, added new ones, combined others, and made some more concise to improve positioning for investors

Doubled our valuation.”
Charlie Cook
Rightcharge - Founder

Rightcharge successfully closed the Seed round, raising £100k, double the amount Charlie had originally planned to.

We also helped increase the valuation by 45%, resulting in less dilution for the founder.

Rightcharge successfully closed the Seed round, raising £100k, double the amount Charlie had originally planned to.

We also helped increase the valuation by 45%, resulting in less dilution for the founder.

Doubled our valuation.”
Charlie Cook
Rightcharge - Founder
We partner with you

We're are experts in:

+ Developing & scaling systems & processes   
+ Unit economics   
+ Financial modelling   
+ Metrics dashboards   
+ Share options advisory   
+ Expanding abroad