Growing pains?
Meet your outsourced CFO.

Hi, I’m Rakesh.

And I'm bringing you nearly two decades of financial expertise, with extensive experience in startups, to help you grow your company in a straightforward and impactful way.

Having worked with numerous startups across various sectors, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities they face. My goal is to provide the guidance and support your business needs to thrive. My priority is to fill your CFO role in a way that positions your business for growth and success.


What separates struggling small businesses and high-growth, high-performing scale-ups? The right systems, structure and expertise.

We deliver exactly that. In fact, our team has chosen to offer outsourced CFO services — also called fractional CFOs — so we can come alongside the businesses that need us most. Just because your startup isn’t in a position to hire a full-time CFO doesn’t mean you should move forward without a high-level finance expert.

Enter: ThriveGrowth. Because we can fill your need for a CFO without adding to your payroll, we help you best position your company. You get someone who has extensive experience in helping businesses grow. And we don’t stop there. We also help you design and implement structure and systems to set your company on the right course — and keep it there.


How we work.

Finance isn’t rocket science. At least, that’s true when it’s in the hands of the right experts. We simplify the complicated so that founders are freed up to focus on the growth of their business. We provide no-nonsense advice and straightforward implementation.

If your team has been looking to bring someone on board who can provide both clarity and direction when it comes to your finances, you’ve come to the right place. With an outsourced CFO, you get what you need — without the overhead of a full-time C-suite executive.

“Doubled our valuation”

We used ThriveGrowth to review and update our existing model for our Seed round. Their advice was invaluable and they helped us double our valuation.

Charlie Cook - Rightcharge
“Invaluable guidance”

As an early-stage business, we didn’t have the internal knowledge to build a financial model for our upcoming pre-seed round. Thankfully, ThriveGrowth helped us build our first model and we successfully completed our pre-seed round. ThriveGrowth’s guidance through the process was invaluable, as was their help during investor discussions.

Julian Mensah - Voltric

We were expanding into the UK market and required a financial model to help us obtain a licence. We found ThriveGrowth’s experience was outstanding and they were able to work well with our Australia HQ finance team, which allowed us to integrate our UK model into our global payment model.

Chris Hicks - Till Payments
“Helped us visualise”

ThriveGrowth helped us build a model for our funding round. Their experience was very helpful and allowed us to visualise the business in a way we previously could not.

Ricky Solanki – Push
“Raised our Series A”

We needed a model for a funding round. We were not sure if we could build an investor-friendly model but ThriveGrowth was able to provide us with a fully integrated model. They also helped us simplify many the complex elements. The model helped us raise our Series A.

Vipasha Sharma - TruDoc
“Great team”

ThriveGrowth helped us build our Series B financial model. Although we had a great model for internal purposes, we didn't feel it was suitable for external use for investors. We discussed our requirements with ThriveGrowth and they quickly understood what we needed. We enjoyed working with the team, who where fantastic.

Aaron Brooks - Vamp
We partner with you

We're are experts in:

+ Developing & scaling systems & processes   
+ Unit economics   
+ Financial modelling   
+ Metrics dashboards   
+ Share options advisory   
+ Expanding abroad


Common Questions:

How quickly can we start working together?

We kick things off by having a call to understand your requirements. Assuming you would like to move forward, we will carry out a few checks required by our regulatory body, which usually take 1-3 days. Once completed we can begin working almost immediately.

Is my business too small / early-stage for you to work with?

We pride ourselves on working with very early-stage startups. We work with founders prior to incorporation and / or funding, including helping them obtain funding. We usually get involved once the MVP (minimum viable product) is near completion.

Can you work on a project or on-demand basis?

Yes, if you have a one-off project, we can work with you. Get in touch and we will produce a custom quote for you.

Do you work remotely?

Many of our clients operate hybrid or fully remote business models. Usually, we will be invited into the client's internal chat system to be fully involved in the business.

Can you attend meetings at our office?

Yes, we regularly meet clients at their offices.

Can we specify which days you are available to us?

Our clients prefer flexibility so we work with multiple clients throughout the day. We are available five days a week. We do not schedule specific days for clients but are available via phone, email and messenger so you are always able to get hold of us at short notice if needed.

What is the minimum level of ongoing support we can purchase?

We work with various businesses on an ongoing basis anywhere from one day a month up to three days a week. It depends on the client's needs. This can be scaled up or down as required.

Will I be tied to a long-term contract?

No, we don't tie you to a long-term contract. We know SMEs and startups like to remain agile. You can cancel at any time - all you have to do is give 15 days' notice.